Strategic Planning is key to Winning the 2022 Election

Voter Registration is the core Strategic tool to win the 2022 national elections. It creates a personal relationship between voter and the candidate and gives a clear visibility of vote distribution throughout the electorate. The candidate will know before the polling day of how many vote 1, vote 2 and vote3 in each council ward is for him. He also has the contact details of all his registered voters in the entire electorate. No more paper based voter lists that can never be verified and trusted.The tool eliminates conmen.

Lower Your Election Cost

No more unplanned spendings in funerals and community obligation ceremonies where vote does not equate to total cost spent. Money is purposefully spent on voters who are registered and willing to vote based on relationship between Voter and candidate and no middlemen. Every cost is labelled against promised individual votes where its traced and verified.

Create One to One Relationship Between Voter and Candidate

Voter Registration creates relationship between voter and candidate. Candidate has voters location details and contact details where candidate and his support team can communicate with each voter on a regular basis. Voters know who they are voting and candidates know who is going to give him a vote, thus establishing a mutual trust.

What people are saying...

Mary Semal

"This is fantastic! Thanks so much guys!"

Terence Perene

"Compatible with the way we do things around here especially when dealing with voters and candidate's who wish to win election."

Martin Kelei

"Thanks so much for creating this app. Now my candidate knows me by name."